[ARCHIVED CATALOG] 2017-2018 Undergraduate Academic Catalog 
    Feb 11, 2025  
[ARCHIVED CATALOG] 2017-2018 Undergraduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

BIO 350 - Global Climate Change

3 credits
Crosslisted:  ENV 350 
Prerequisite(s): SCI 101  and SCI 102 
This course examines the cause and consequences of global climate change and what individuals and society can do to mitigate the effects of climate change. The emphasis of this course is on the planet as a whole system. A basic overview of physical systems, including the carbon cycle, the role of oceans and ice caps, and how these systems are modeled is stressed. The consequences of climate change, both cultural and biological, and the policy, adaptation and change people can make are examined in detail, as well.